Friday, February 13, 2009

{vinylicious give away - $35 gift certificate! GIVE AWAY CLOSED}

I hope you all have a wonderful, whether you're going all out or having a nice & simple time with those you love. Mine will be the latter this year. You'd think with it being on a Saturday & all that that would be ideal...but it's really not when you have kids. It makes me feel bad leaving them all day, because after all - it's valentines for them too & what does that say to them? IDK, usually I'm all for getting a babysitter & having alone time with my hubby, but for some reason this year I want us to spend it as a family. Plus I got these awesome necklaces from firefly photo jewlery for my girls! I want to see them in them {& the new outfits they got} all day! I have to show you how dang cute these necklaces are... {i don't know what I'll do when my girls can blog...I won't get to tell my secrets)

I know! You want one now huh? I had her put their names on them with a little cute heart after. I got them yesterday & just LOVE them! I know my girls will too {maybe I'll take pics for ya}! So along with the love theme this weekend, I wanted to show my love & appreciation to you all! I so appreciate your kind words, support & loyalty to studio jk vinyl. Thank you for spreadin' the love on to your friends & family with the button on your blogs. It's still a rush to me when I see come across them. Please know that I am truely grateful for all of you & love reading your comments!

Anyhoo {enough of the sappiness}....I'm having a vinylicious give away today for a $35 gift certificate to my shop! Nothin' better than getting to choose what you'd like! Yea choices! So here's how it'll work... because I love you all so much, I'm giving you 3 ways to enter:

For the first entry leave your first and last name in a comment.
Example: Jamie Kay

For a second entry visit studio jk vinyl. Covet-i mean look at everything, then come back here & in a NEW comment tell us your first and last name and the name of the items you'd spend your gift certficate on.
Example: Jamie Kay: small dandelion wishes

For a third entry become a follower of this blog. You can do this either by clicking the "follow this blog" button {on the left sidebar}, or you can go into your "dashboard" on your blog & add to your reading list {i like this one best}. Then come back here & in a NEW comment tell me your first & last name and that you're a follower.
Example: Jamie Kay: follower
{If you are already following this blog...great! You don't have any "work" to do. Just get the entry in!}

The winner of the $35 gift certificate will be announced Tuesday. So be sure to check back to see if you are a winner! Thanks - have a "love"-a-ly weekend {:) I live with a very sarcastic hubby...I guess it rubs off on me!}

{wheeewwww...that was a long post for me}


Jingle said...

Jennifer Ingle :-)

Jingle said...

Jennifer Ingle
I would have to talk to my husband before I made my final decisions, but I really love the Trendy family est. design!

Jingle said...

Jennifer Ingle

Jamie Hamblin said...

Jamie Hamblin

GoodnessGraces said...

Kristi Peshke

Jamie Hamblin said...

Jamie Hamblin: I would tell my husband that I got a bigger gift certificate (no need to tell him it was for 35 lol) and get a Custom Vintage Monogram and a set of the Kitchen Labels

Jamie Hamblin said...

Jamie Hamblin: Follower

GoodnessGraces said...

Kristi Peshke - I am loving the Custom Vintage Monogram. We are about to build a new house and it is definitely hard to pick since I could use so many different ones.

GoodnessGraces said...

Kristi Peshke - Follower

Anonymous said...

suzanne singer

Anonymous said...

suzanne singer: she's a hoot

Anonymous said...

suzanne singer: follower

Melissa said...

Melissa Proctor: family definition

Melissa said...

Melissa Proctor

Melissa said...

Melissa Proctor: follower

James and Monica said...

Monica Cantor!!

James and Monica said...

Monica Cantor:
I want the blown kisses vinyl, i'll use it for next year! lol...OH!, but also the sassy snowflakes!

Lili said...

Areli Olsen

Lili said...

Areli Olsen:
We have to pick one!? I can't decided! Love the custom monograms!

Lili said...

Areli Olsen: Follower

Mama Yo said...

Cathy Yoder

Mama Yo said...

Cathy Yoder: I love your stuff! I think I'm really needing the kitchen labels though!

Mama Yo said...

Cathy Yoder: Been a follower for a very long time!

Becky said...

Becky Fisher

Becky said...

Becky Fisher: love the flowers and the love and be loved saying

Natalie said...

Natalie Shaw

Natalie said...

Natalie Shaw: it would be so hard to choose because I love it all! I would definitely have to get the blown kisses for my daughters room- so cute!

Natalie said...

Natalie Shaw: Follower

Bethany said...

Bethany Struthers

Bethany said...

Bethany Struthers: it's a toss up between the trendy family monogram and the dandelion wishes

Bethany said...

Bethany Struthers: follower

Cindy said...

Cindy Angerer

Cindy said...

Cindy Angerer: Chalkboard - Vinyl Wall Decal Graphic Art Sticker Home Decor

Cindy said...

Cindy Angerer: follower

Nichole said...

Nichole Lanning

Nichole said...

Nichole Lanning - Playful Family of Birds

Nichole said...

Nichole Lanning - follower

Jamie said...

Jamie Roubinek

Jamie said...

Jamie Roubinek: Follower

Lorie said...

Lorie A....... (I don't like to leave my last name out there...)

Lorie said...

I just redid my pantry and the labels I made for my dry goods are BORING! I would LOVe the Kitchen Labels!

Lorie said...

And I am a follower!!

*katie said...

Katie Sabin

*katie said...

Katie Sabin: Love the "lovebirds" and the large monogam letter

*katie said...

Katie Sabin: follower! :)

Carrie said...

Carrie Yu

Carrie said...

Carrie Yu: i like the daisyburst flower.

Jinii said...

Jinii Boren

Jinii said...

Jinii BorenL Retro Dadelions

Jinii said...

Jinii Boren: I subscribe on google reader. Not sure if that counts.

Leigh said...

Leigh Booth

Leigh said...

Leigh Booth

I LOVE the Large Monogram...the scalloped one with the family names. Very cool!

Leigh said...

Leigh Booth

following...with my fingers crossed!

shayla said...

Shayla McLaughlin

shayla said...

Shayla McLaughlin-monograms

shayla said...

Shayla McLaughlin-anonymous follower

busymama said...

Brandi Campbell

busymama said...

Brandi Campbell: I don't have to go look at your site, I look all the time and still covet ALL of your labels, I just loooove them!!

Taylor Aplanalp said...

Stacey Aplanalp

Taylor Aplanalp said...

Stacey Aplanalp: custom vintage monogrram

Taylor Aplanalp said...

Stacey Aplanalp:follower

Anonymous said...

Shawna Kurth

Anonymous said...

Shawna Kurth-follower

Anonymous said...

Shawna Kurth-Large Monogram - Scallop Custom Family Names Est. - Vinyl Wall Decal Graphic Art Sticker Home Decor

busymama said...

Brandi Campbell:follower